Nice Status for Whatsapp in English

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Time was same and still its same, just your way of dealing with it is changing.
Your actions should not be influenced by others actions.
New clothes may not give you good attention but it really give confidence to stand among people.
To be a teacher there is no need to be literate. Those you need is a experience of knowing what is right and what is wrong.
Don't take any decision when you are hurt. It will definitely make you feel regret afterwards.
The step that we take to forget some pain should be taken with a deep thinking.
Instead of talking about people talk about the was they used to achieve a lot.
Your figure doesn't matter until you are comfortable with your own body.
Holding grudges will only build pain just let them go and feel relax.
Human should always complete with himself and should also wish good luck to other competitors.
If someone's presence can make you something then their presence can make even better.
Being selfish is not bad if it is not harming anyone.
Whatever is the situation if you are loyal you will definitely get your rewards of loyality.
Discipline is hard to follow but it is easier than facing the punishment.
Your birth has happened for a reason, find that good reason instead of finding a bad reason.
The time that couldn't get back should not matter in your life.
She was not aware of your feelings, so don't blame her for your heartbreak too.
If a child is wrong then parents are blamed and the responsible parent is the reason too for showing his child the right way.
You are neither inferior nor superior than others. You are just what you are.
Being emotional is good but showing your emotions to everyone can never be good.
Some defeats tell us that how much improvement we are needed to change this defeat in winning.