Food Status for Whatsapp in English

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I like to tickle up my taste buds by the help of mango pickles usually.
No matter what happens in my life, my love for tasty food remains constant.
Enjoy the taste of food instead of posting its pictures on social media
Your food decides the life of your body.
When everything ditches me, food gives me the real happiness.
If you don't like the food still eat it beacuse it is better to have something than nothing.
A good food is the key to immense happiness
Food is the best source of happiness
Food is like treasure valuable for who does not have it and nothing for one who has it
Be the craziest lover of fruits, it is the easiest fruitful way to stay healthy always.
Food is the only thing which can give permanent happiness in someone
Good Food is the only thing which can give extreme happiness
Food is like a jewel and those who do not value it will eventually crave for it some day
Food is just like gold worthy for one who knows its value and nothing at all for one who do not know its value
Food is what everyone earns for in there daily life so we must never waste it
Food is like gold rare to find lucky to get precious as diamonds
Food is as precious as gold when you don't have it on table you will understand it
You are right, my eyes have tasted the sight of a chocolate cake yet my heart incites my teeth to take a bite of it now!
Food is just as precious as the gold we have it so we don't value but there are some who value it more than gold
It's extremely precious never waste it food is for what everyone works for
Yes ! it's time to NIMBU PANI !,,Do you understand.