Angry Whatsapp Status in English

Want Angry Whatsapp Status in English? We add New Angry Status For Whatsapp in English for Girlfriend & Boyfriend.

Yes you have done just a mistake by mistake but I will give you punishment for that again again and again till the last day of my life.
No, I cannot change you radically hence I have to take revenge from you now,have no option my dear.
If her nudes are the way to prove that she loves you then what about the proof of prevert mind that you are giving by asking for her nudes
If she can make you a man then she can also make you feel guilty of being a man.
A girl's character goes down by the increasing number of male friends in our society.
A day will definitely come when destiny will take the revenge of the hurt you have given to me.
People are so much poor in case of patience.
We shows anger when we know that we are becoming weak in the situation.
I believe in ANGRY, not in SILENCE..
I really test my patience when i know the truth but still i hear the lie from people.
Don't make you fool by knowing you are on a wrong way still expecting that it can somehow take you on the right way.
Anger can show love and care but not every time. Sometimes it can be a sign of hatred and revenge.
Being angry is often necessary if it's for something good
Anger not just destroy us but also everyone in our surroundings
The biggest victim of anger is actually we
Now i realised why people stay away from me because my behaviour become stinky due to staying with your kind of stinky minded people.
Anger is a sword which slices your enemy along with you
Anger is nothing more than reflection of a weak personality
Forgive me for not giving you the tig of my forgiveness my dear enemy!!
Showing anger is adjective of showing weakness
Anger is presentation of weakness