Whatsapp Status in English

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Usually I am too cool, but gosh this sun is making me too hot !
Be calm like water, sweet as a ripe mango and never hurt anybody intentionally to resemble a green chilly. Keep cool like a watermelon.
Be a smart one with a great passion for d work in which u r truly enjoy. Do keep in touch wid those having a great sense of humour.
My love for u is like a beautiful garden, but for u it is a rose with thorns that pricks ur heart with a deep pain inside u.
My tears will go unnoticed by u again n again, but still the pain in my heart shall remain forever.
The more I play my side, the more I win n feel more happy in the game of life.
U r annoying me a lot these days just because I m doing these important tasks much more better than u, rite???
U r an idiot no.1 n 4 this time I will never listen 2 u once more since u r committing the same mistake again n again.
D rainy season is full of fun, frolic n enjoyment. It is quite amazing 2 go out n enjoy the rains along with sum HOT "Chai n Pakodas."
Your strong will shall take you high with prosperity, peace and success to a great extent.
Whether you are smart or not, at least look yourself with a positive thought of handling struggles with care.
The memories are special; indeed, for a boy / girl fallen in love.
The world is completely full of choices; be it career, love or family issues facing us in the modern world of today. Choose accordingly.
I can play with words in the way of my own dreams to follow the secret formula of language.
U r special just because U r not only my darling but also my hope which stands besides me in bad times.
A baby has a cute smile full of innocence on his/her face.
You were there when no one else was, you are my bank where I never invested still got back millions-Happy Fathers Day DAD :)
This coming years forget the jerks and get the perks
The dirty mind is never full of honest views in the field of wisdom.
The journey to freedom is not far away from success.
If you really care for the people in your life, you shall definitely be surrounded by happiness all around you.